New Members

Welcome to Canterbury Gymnastics Club!

We very much hope that you will enjoy your time with us and make the most of the various classes we have to offer. In order to ensure the smooth running off the Club it would be most helpful if you would take note of the following:

Waiting in our reception area during sessions is permitted – however we do tend to find the children do not focus on their class as well. So if you can leave them it is for your child’s benefit.

For safety reasons please ensure that all long hair is tied back, and all jewellery and piercings are removed (or taped over). It is a good idea if tracksuits are worn to the gym (in case it is cold and they are needed for the warm up) and that socks are brought in case of trampoline work. Children should also bring a bottle of water to avoid dehydration. We do not allow any fizzy drinks.

The monthly fees have been calculated on a 48 week year basis, divided into 12 equal monthly payments. This allows us to close for 2 weeks at Christmas and for you to have a 2 week break whenever you choose. Payments must be made at the beginning of the month, full payment must be made even if you are taking your break.

Any competition, badge or uniform money should be given to the person at the desk in the form of cash.

The yearly payment of Canterbury Gymnastics Membership will need to be paid at the desk. Membership is due in September of each year or on joing the club

Please download and complete the Membership Forms below.

If you have any queries or specific questions please feel free to call us on 07817 720894 or email us on
British Gymnastics Membership is Required

All Members MUST have a British Gymnastics Membership.  The new process for registering for your child's British Gymnastics Insurance is as follows:

1- Pay the Club £30 for club membership, yearly from September

​2 - Register with British Gymanstics ONLINE HERE - You will need to create a parent account first then add your gymnast.

​3 - When it asks for the Club you will need to enter CGC Leisure LTD.

If you already have BG membership please inform us of your unique membership number and pay the Club joining fee of £25.00.
CGC Leisure LTD Preferred Payments

Our preferred method of payment is via a standing order from your bank.

* All Recreational classes must be paid for a month in advance.
* Due 1st of every month, if your payments have not been received by 14th of the month, you will incur a £10.00 surcharge.
* If you have more than one child please ensure you have a separate standing order for each child.
* For “Payment Reference” please use your child’s full name.

Our Payment Details are -

CGC Leisure Limited
Sort Code: 60-04-27
Account No: 90914996